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2025 EDGE Pay it Forward Challenge:  We are asking 50 people to give $100 a Sunday. Please put you dollar in the

box in the vestibule or you can write a one-time check for $52.00 and mark it" EDGE Challenge.

Serving in the Community:  The youth will be serving at the Campbells on on Saturday, February 1st. We would love to have a few adult volunteeers. We need chainsaws, rakes, and shovels. Robin is hoping to have enough people working to get the job done between 9 AM-12 PM. Please contact him if you can help-864-735-4386.

Cameron's House Volunteer Training for new and existing volunteers will be on Thursday, January 23rd at 6 PM at the Lighthouse-111 Stroud Hospital Road in Marietta. Call Jo Henson to RSVP by January 21st at 864-567-0479. 

Speaker:  Susan Tankersley

Our church will be having a Ministry Fair on Sunday, February 2nd in the vestibule.

Save the Dates:

*  Churchwide Wedding Shower for Hannah Tankersley and Zach Beasley. on Sunday, February 23rd, after worship. In the fellowship hall. Given by the Women of GCBC. Chicken will be provided. Please bring your favorite side dish or dessert. Hannah and Zach are registered at Amazon. A money tree will be in the fellowship hall for cards, money, and/or gift cards. Every please plan to attend. Contact person:  Ann Hightower at 864-979-8196. 

* Women's Spring Retreat at High Pastures in Burnsville, NC.  April 25-27th. A sign-up sheet is at the Welcome Center. For questions:  Call Laurie Tankersley at 864-414-6832 or Jo Henson at 864-567-0479. 

* Night with the Stars:  14th annual event. On Saturday, April 5th, 6:00 -8:00 PM at Marietta First Baptist Church. Dinner tickets will be sold in advance: $15.00/adult and $10/child for a steak or chicken meal. Thank you for supporting our youth and children! More information to follow. 




Balance Class on Saturdays

¨ On Saturdays at 10:00 AM  in the fellowship hall, Dr. Tracy Hall will teach a BALANCE CLASS.  Bring mats and water.  Donations accepted. – This is a great class for people of ALL ages, especially those no longer young. 

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